Answer4u Call Centre Blog

Check out the latest news and updates, including helpful information regarding telephone answering and call handling, from the Answer4u blog.

How Our Virtual Assistant Service Can Revolutionise Your Business

When it comes to maintaining your corporate image, we at Answer4u know how tough it can be to find a solution that will suit your business. Our main aim is to become a seamless extension of your[...]
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The Modern Consumer

If you turn the clock back only a few decades ago, you'll find that customer service was a very different animal. Whilst politeness and due care and attention were always high on the agenda, the[...]
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How to Handle Any Call

It's easy to assume that answering the phone is a pretty simple task. Receiver is lifted, vocal chords engaged and communication ensues. However, the ability to handle any call is in fact one of the[...]
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Our Frequently Asked Questions

With a service like ours, there are a few questions that often come back to haunt us. Maybe you’ve never had a telephone answering service and don’t have a clue how it works, or perhaps you want one[...]
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Call Answering Services: The Myths

For many businesses both small and large, the benefit of using a call answering service is a no brainer. It effectively deals with overflow, allows your business to be operational 24/7 and can be[...]
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3 Business Catastrophes That WILL Happen with Poor Phone Call Handling

Nike, Samsung, Coca Cola – do you think if they miss or screw up a phone call their business will take a hit? Of course not (unless it’s really serious, in which case they can afford PR wizards). But[...]
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