Spread the word and earn the rewards...

As a valued Answer4u customer we know you already see the business advantages of using a reliable 24/7 answering service. Answer4u's services are scalable so they can be adapted to suit the needs of businesses of all types and sizes so we're hoping you'll help us to spread the word to your whole business community.

Do you have any  business contacts, colleagues or friends that you think may benefit from our services too?

Answer4u's new Business Referral Program allows you to recommend a friend or business contact so we can let them know about the benefits of our range of services. When they also become a client, you'll both benefit from a generous referral bonus that will reflect the level of business you refer. 

This may be in the form of:

  • Free Calls - We'll answer business calls that you've earned through the referral program absolutely free of charge.
  • Subscription or Management Fee Credit - Earn substantial monthly savings on your account management fees.


Simply fill in the form below and we will take care of the rest.



Terms and conditions apply.